Character NFT Structure

Each card will consist of 5 templates as follows:

1. Common 2. Rare 3. Epic 4. Legendary 5. 3D โ€“ Special use template reserved for planet sales and special uses

The card number are determined as follows:

ยท 000 โ€“ Common ยท 010 โ€“ Rare ยท 020 โ€“ Epic ยท 030 โ€“ Legendary ยท 040 โ€“ 3D

Each card has this specific number, and the number on the card determines how rare the card is.

The card numbers are made up of a letter, and numbers. The letter in each card number reflects the race of the card as follows:

H for Human C for Creature A for Android J for Jujari L for Order of the Luma D for The Dread S for Artifacts Character Card NFT Structure

Character Cards will be contained in the series.1 schema with the following attributes:

Card Name Image Back Image Full Image Lore Image Card Number Faction Rarity Lore Card Type Value

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