
The playing deck is shuffled, and 5 cards are dealt into the hands of each player. Each player is given cards at the beginning of a match. These cards enable the player the ability to play the game.

Cards start at the deck, and each subsequent turn draws an additional card to a player’s hand from the player’s deck. When the card is played, it moves from the player’s hand onto the board, and remains there until it is defeated in battle. The ability of a card to survive in battle depends on the status of the card, it’s defence points and if it has had any special abilities added to it via an artifact.

Cards are divided into two categories;

· Character cards · Artifact cards

Each of these cards, either character or artifact cards are used to make up a player’s deck. Each character card has specific attributes associated with it. These attributes include;

· Mana/Cost · Attack Points · Defense Points · Rarity · Ability · Special

Mana/Cost: Mana is the in-game cost to play this card. The player will need to have enough mana in their mana bar to be able to play this game. Mana increases by 1 point each turn or by playing other special ability cards.

Rarity: This identifies the rarity of the card with the following icons:

A cards attack and defense abilities increase as a card rarity increases.

Attack Value: The attack points that lie in a card refer to the amount of damage that the card can deal against a target or an opponent’s card.

Defense Value: Defense points on a card refer to the amount of life that’s left in a character card, once it reaches 0 it is sent to the black hole. (The black hole is the destination of characters that are and are defeated in battle).

The health of a character can be reduced based on the amount of attack points the attacker or opponent possesses during combat.

Health can be increased when certain artifacts are played against a card during play.

Abilities: Each card can have two abilities.

· Impetus · Provoke

IMPETUS A card that has the impetus ability does not need to wait for the next turn to be played. Thus, once a card has the impetus ability a player can utilize it in attacking as soon as it is played.

PROVOKE The provoke ability provides a player with an advanced defense mechanism. When a card with a provoke ability is played on the board, the opposing and attacking player must attack the card before the player itself can be attacked. The provoke ability provides the card with a defense mechanism that makes it a blocking card.

Extra Abilities: Most cards that are Epic and Legendary will have additional abilities added to them. Those abilities are listed on each card. There is no common set of abilities, and most cards will perform differently depending on it ability configuration.

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