Battle Deck

A minimum of 1 deck must be created before a player can play the game. A deck is created in the Deck Builder screen. This is where a player creates a deck, they believe will be strong in battle or defense to give them the best chance of winning a game.

Decks are where a player builds up what they believe is a winning combination of cards.

There are certain requirements that are necessary for the deck to exist.

ยท A deck must have a minimum of 10 cards ยท A deck can be built with a mixture of character and artifact cards ยท Cards in a deck have pre-assigned points, these points will be added together in deck creation to form a deck score. This deck score will then be used in match making to match players with similar deck scores to ensure that matches are generally always fair for both players and the result of a match will come down to the skill of how the player plays their deck.

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